Swedish Arctic Reindeer Run-Down By 'Global Warming' - Granite Grok

Swedish Arctic Reindeer Run-Down By ‘Global Warming’

ReindeerThere is so much snow in arctic Sweden that the reindeer are finding themselves on the roadways where they are being run down by speeding motorists.

“Twice as many reindeer have been killed on the roads in northern Sweden this month compared to the same period last year. And one of the main factors is climate change, according to the Swedish Sami Association. …

There has been so much snow this year that the reindeer have taken to the salt covered roads, which are like candy to the animals. I feel for the reindeer and the reindeer herders who are losing a lot of money – they get compensation for slaughter but it is not enough.

So climate change too much CO2 is causing global warming that is causing cooling which is causing snowing, of which there is so much that the reindeer herders are losing money because instead of killing the reindeer themselves people who are driving too fast are running over deer who are on the road to eat the salt, and government spending more of your money can fix that.

How about this instead. Stop driving. Stop using salt. Switch to sand. Sweden is a socialist paradise; give the (capitalist pig!) Herders more hazard pay.

Or, you could try erecting more solar panels in Lapland. They won’t help the environment, but maybe they will block the deer from getting to the road.

