Palate Cleanser - I could use one of these! - Granite Grok

Palate Cleanser – I could use one of these!

A Grandpa chair!

Grandpa chair

The two soon-to-be-official Granddaughters and the Grandson and me – they love to listen and I love to read to them.  During the day, the Grandson will often bring us book after book after book to read to him and often will ask for the same book to be read over and over and over to him. Which reminds me of this (reformatted, emphasis mine):

In a radio interview, Adam Swift, professor at the University of Warwick in England, said familial bonds are the chief factor that enables one child to succeed over another. And one of the ways parents reinforce familial bonds is by reading to their children. “Bedtimes stories are more advantage transmitting than elite private schools,” Swift said.

Should parents stop doing that in order to make life fairer for other people’s children?

“I don’t think parents … should constantly have in their minds the way they are unfairly advantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally.” Swift researches social mobility, and says he became interested in the topic while studying equality. He says parents giving their children every advantage make society more and more unequal.

Swift, at one point, put forth the idea of abolishing the family as a way to level the playing field, but has since walked back that idea.

All in the name of “Equality” (a socialist notion). Ah yes, just like Hillary and this CNBC host Professor:

Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry (Ph.D, MSNBC hostess):

  • “We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we’ve always had a private notion of children; your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven’t had a very collective notion of these are our children,”

But I digress:

On his radio show, Limbaugh railed at the suggestion that parents should not read to their children, and that in fact, parents may not be necessary at all. It all smacks of liberalism gone amuck, Linbaugh said. “The way they (fix inequality) is to always punish the achievers, people who are successful or who are at the upper end of anything,” Limbaugh said. “Good parents must now treat their children like bad parents have to treat their kids so that they don’t confer any unfair advantages on their kids.”

Message to Professor Adam Swift: screw you. I’ll give my grandkids every and all advantages I can muster up.  I can’t give as much as many but certainly more than others.  All it takes to read to a child is time, willingness, and the discipline to do it.  But hard work, constant work, Consistency – those are ideals that SJWs like yourself rail against because INEQUALITY, PATRIARCHY, RACISM, ABLEISM.

Second Message to Professor Adam Swift: because LOVE.

(Chair image H/T: Caveman Circus)
