Mulvaney Takes a Page From Trump's Book - Denounces "Schumer Shutdown" - Granite Grok

Mulvaney Takes a Page From Trump’s Book –
Denounces “Schumer Shutdown”

Oh, what a difference a non-vengeful Administration makes! Mulvaney is going to be one of Trump’s quiet heroes – Not only has he requested $0.00 for CFPB for the next quarter as opposed to Richard Cordray requesting $217mm, on the grounds that the bureau has more than enough in the bank, but also, as head of OMB, he is directing departments and agencies to minimize impact on the public and utilize reserve and carry forward funds toward that end.

Furthermore, (aside from DACA), the Continuing Resolution contains everything the Democrats want: A Clean Bill, Extension to CHIP, deferral of the Obama ‘Cadillac Tax’ on union health plans, and deferral of the Obama tax on medical device manufacturers. As Mulvaney points out, the Dems are in favor of everything in this bill, but refuse to vote for it.

The Democrats like to inflict pain on the public, but deflect blame onto Republicans: Remember the aging veterans being barricaded out of their memorial? The residents around Lake Mead being chased out of their homes by the National Park Service rangers? This time, they brought a lame joke to an insult fight, and they are losing, just like “Crooked Hillary.” Yesiree, Bob, the “Schumer Shutdown” moniker is sticking to them, and trending. GO, Team Trump!

H/T Rush Limbaugh,

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