See, I told you so - Democrat admits we deplorables are EEEEvil - Granite Grok

See, I told you so – Democrat admits we deplorables are EEEEvil

And what’s worse is that the Democrat nominee for Virginia Governor won’s disavow it:

Not a surprise to me – and this just doesn’t exist in Virginia.  What is different is the willingness of Democrats, as their Party goes further and further left, is that the mask is slipping downward.  This sentiment used to be buried several layers down – more and more they don’t care.  Obama – bitter clingers.  Hillary – deplorables and irredeemables. Finally, the outright admission and confirmation that if you are not with them, you ARE evil!

Antifa, Black Lives Matter, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Progressive Democrats of America, Democrat Socialists of America – all of the Left; you name the organization and they all believe we are infidels for attacking their god of government and worse, impeding their task of “progressing” us.

It’s no longer politics for them, it’s a religion with all f the trappings thereof (and has been for many years).  And their theology has roots in the political past over which we fought a war of Independence.  The American ideal is that of Freedom; their Socialist ideal really is about Progressive Totalitarianism.  Instead of Power to the People as they may say, it really is about a new Aristocracy / Royalty ruling over we Normals.

(H/T: Instapundit)
