The Lazy Left Finds Solace in Such Words as Nazi, White Supremacists, and Hate Group - Granite Grok

The Lazy Left Finds Solace in Such Words as Nazi, White Supremacists, and Hate Group

militant-snowflakeOver on a certain Facebook page where a group of small government activists is promoting a fundraiser with a polarizing, anti-ruling class speaker, the lazy left finds solace in such words as Nazi, white supremacists, and hate group. Words that like brick walls are meant to end any effort to penetrate their true meaning because they have none, nor do their users.

These are the tools of people so incapable of defending what they believe that they bring sledgehammers in hopes of ensuring that no one will dare to challenge them or go to hear someone speak who might challenge them, or who might speak themselves.

The same is true at Georgetown University, a Jesuit University with a distinguished history that is rapidly declining under the weight of the social justice and diversity stormtroopers who have gone out of their way to try and prohibit debate about love, sex, and marriage.

Students at Georgetown University founded Love Saxa, an affiliate of the Love & Fidelity Network, because they saw a gaping void on campus. In the face of the hook-up culture, widespread pornography usage, increasing sexual assaults, and attacks on the institution of marriage, Love Saxa sought to be a voice that would argue for the cultivation of healthy relationships, the repossession of sexual integrity, and the defense of traditional marriage.

The local Gaystapo-Gay Pride social justice warriors, unwilling to tolerate any opinion other than their own, filed a petition to strip Love Saxa of any university funding and prevent it from operating (that is to say, existing) on campus.

Put another way, a group that advocates for the Universities founding Catholic principles is a hate group and cannot be tolerated.

There’s that word again. Tolerance. Wielded in the name of intolerance, in a place where we have to admit, the Love Saxa ideals are probably a minority opinion. But a minority opinion only gets special consideration when it comes from an actual defined “minority” from a progressive approved “minority group” and only if it fits like a glove on the hand of the liberal worldview.

Minorities who have wandered of the plantation get no quarter, and neither does Love Saxa, who is only looking for the opportunity to share its opinions about sex and marriage with students interested in what they have to say.

I’m happy to report that the  Georgetown University’s Student Activities Commission voted 8-4 last week not to cut funding to the student group Love Saxa. They will not be labeled as a hate group. Not yet. Which is fortunate.

If Love Saxa is banned from defending the Christian vision of sexuality and marriage, how will the Jesuits of Georgetown be able to refrain from referring to their own church as a “hate group?” How long before they will be called on to condemn the doctrinal tenets of Catholicism?

Not long at all, I’m afraid. There is no room for the tenets of Catholicism in the secular humanist world, and the socialist Democrat/Antifa factions (by their current names or others) will never tolerate reverence for any power greater than the government. Short of a long and lasting sea-change that includes a return to small government, local control, and denying financial support to universities that accept public money or publicly backed loans, they have no incentive to abandon the social justice and diversity propaganda that made newspeak out of tolerance and diversity by turning them into intolerance and a cult-like obsession with a very narrow view of the world that will brook no competitors.
