Americans need to Cherish Life, Not Surrender their Rights - Granite Grok

Americans need to Cherish Life, Not Surrender their Rights

Some wounded still hover between life and death.  The dead are not yet buried.  Americans mourn the dead and injured of the Las Vegas shootings.  We wonder how such an event could happen.

And leftists do what they always do; use a crisis to try to take away the rights of the more than 318 million Americans who didn’t harm anyone.

Make no mistake; leftists want to take away the American peoples’ Second Amendment rights.  Ignore their denials; occasionally leftists, like Senator Diane Feinstein, admit their goal.  They don’t want you to have guns for hunting, for target shooting, for other legal uses, and not even for self-defense.

According to leftists only police and rich leftists’ (whose lives are much more valuable than ours) personal security should have guns.

After each tragedy, e.g., Sandy Hook, Orlando, and Las Vegas, leftists immediately demand restricting the rights of law abiding American people with laws that wouldn’t have avoided any of the tragedies.

Leftists make repeated false claims about guns and gun laws, perhaps out of ignorance, perhaps simply to mislead.  The fact is that it is costly and almost impossible to get automatic weapons.  The fact is that we already have common sense gun laws.

Unfortunately leftists aren’t interested in enforcing our existing laws intended to protect life.  While horrors as in Las Vegas are infrequent, the same number of people are shot to death in Chicago every five weeks and in other Democrat governed major cities every 2-4 months.  But leftists only care the incidents that can advance their political agenda of infringing the rights of the American people.

Leftists just don’t seem to care about human life.  They don’t care about the carnage in our cities, they don’t care about the fully avoidable crimes committed and 400-500 annual deaths caused by illegal aliens, they are soft on the criminals who hurt people, and they don’t care about the million plus lives ended each year by abortions.

It’s likely that Congress will respond to the Las Vegas shootings by passing some meaningless law that won’t prevent a single future crime.  Unfortunately as long as criminal gangs are tolerated and our borders are open, guns will be available to people who will use them to hurt people.

I’m open to adding gun laws that would actually prevent murders and other gun crimes that hurt people without infringing the rights of law abiding citizens.  However, we must remember that guns are used about 100 times more to prevent crimes, including murder, than they are used to commit murders.  Any new laws must be carefully crafted to make sure that the number of lives saved is not greater than the number of lives lost because law abiding people are forced to become defenseless victims.

The American people need to show they cherish all innocent human life by demanding the enforcement of all laws intended to protect people, by condemning all murders not just some, by fully prosecuting and imprisoning violent criminals, and by disapproving of the taking of all innocent life, including life in the womb.
