It is Stompy Feet time when the LBGTQRSTUV* militants find out that we Normals don't want to play the game - Granite Grok

It is Stompy Feet time when the LBGTQRSTUV* militants find out that we Normals don’t want to play the game

Transgender bathroom

Standing question of Progressive Totalitarians everywhere: “Whaddya mean that you won’t do what I tell you to?!?!?!” (emphasis mine, reformatted):

Columbia University students recently voted against a proposal that would make all restrooms on a dorm-floor “gender inclusive.”

Yeah, right.  Inclusive – anything that rebels against traditional American norms. Trust me, even as they preach “inclusivity,” I’m not part of their “in” group or clique. Hypocrites. But wait! You mean to say there are others like me?

Students living in at least five of the elite school’s residence halls voted floor-by-floor to determine whether their male and female designed restrooms would be made “gender inclusive,” a practice made possible under a new Columbia University Residence Life Policy. . .

…While the results of the voting are not public information, at least one floor in Columbia’s Broadway Dorm voted against the gender-neutral bathrooms.

Krish Bhatt, president of the Columbia Queer Alliance, slammed the new policy as one that privileges the voices of “cisgender” students. “The voices of cisgender residents, who likely outnumber transgender or gender nonconforming students and are more or less unimpacted by the decision, are being centered [in this decision],” Bhatt told The Spectator, adding that trans-students are not properly represented under such a “democratic fallacy.”

“While I understand the intention of this decision…this rule reinforces a democratic fallacy, where those who would benefit from a decision to designate bathrooms as gender-inclusive are not necessarily represented or represented to the extent of their need,” Bhatt elaborated.

I find this absolutely hysterical!  Poor confused precious snowflake whose darling ideology isn’t all that welcome with her peers (Is she a she? Or a he? Or something that I wouldn’t know?).  This is a grown-up two-year-old having a tantrum over voting for or against something – and her special need lost.  Who does she think she is – Hillary?

Notice the bit of Marxism there: “…extent of their need”.  This is the SOLE claim that these folks seem to have – MY need outweighs you Normals’ sense of decorum. How DARE you deny me of this – damn this democracy anachronism. No, this doesn’t “privilege…cisgenders” (as you try to make yourself to be a victim once again).  Man up – you lost a given floor.  Maybe you won the rest – who knows?

But if it was just this one floor, it shows the Totalitarianism inherent in this – you believed that EVERYONE should bow down and inconvenience themselves for you.  That’s not how the world works; that’s not how democracy works.  There are winners and losers – guess which camp you fell into this time?  Cry the crocodile tears and drown yourself in your incoherent self-pitying tears.  Remember this: your emotions are yours – that floor is not responsible for making you feel good about yourself.

LBGTQRSTUV* – I refuse to keep up with all of the variations that coming with this phrase – and the above is just one more attempt/demand in the vein of “You will be made to care.”

No, I don’t. Or will.  I refuse to fall into the Orwellian dystopia that demands of Winston that I say “five” when he holds up four fingers.

(H/T: Campus Reform via Instapundit)
