Can't kill Obamacare, can't do tax reform, raising the debt ceiling, no infrastructure, no Wall... - Granite Grok

Can’t kill Obamacare, can’t do tax reform, raising the debt ceiling, no infrastructure, no Wall…

…haven’t gone back to “regular order”, jammed up against funding deadlines and AGAIN have to pass a crappy “Continuing Resolution”.

But they seem to be all in on Obama’s unconstitutional DACA and “making it all better” – after years of whining this was THEIR job and not his.


So WHEN are the DC Republicans going to do their job(s)?  Sure, passed a bunch of regulation busting legislation – I’ll take it.  But this is not the “why we pulled the lever” – this is failure that, I think, makes 2005 and previous look like championship work (and that gave Democrats control in a lot of places including here in NH).  I agree with the above- failure will not be rewarded.  If those losers think that the Dems in their districts roasted them in their home district townhalls, just wait.  Just wait.

In the meantime, where will also be the opposite reaction – quiet, silent, invisible.

Just like their next votes.  All hat, no cattle.  All promises – and no results.   It isn’t that the country is ungovernable (as the Left keeps saying) – it is that Republicans are proving they can’t govern – and are still losers even after winning.

And when we see them pushing the Democrat agenda forward like with “saving” DACA (the giddy one will be Obama, in the end), well, what good are they?

(H/T: Instapundit)
