When Will They Be Knocking "Racist" Statues Down in New Hampshire? - Granite Grok

When Will They Be Knocking “Racist” Statues Down in New Hampshire?

Confederate Statue Durham North CarolinaDefacing and vandalizing property is not new for the left so when the party of inclusive excellence gets to excluding bits of history they’ve decided is objectionable historical monuments beware.

Civil war icons of the south and enablers of slavery are being pulled down–or in the case of Baltimore removed by the powers that be–because that’s what the Left is into right now. It’s their other, other, other, distraction from the mess and hypocrisy of their own party.

The subject of Democrat hypocrisy (and slavery enabler statues) came up during this week’s Politically Buzzed segment on Girard at Large, and my co-host Susan Olsen had some thoughts to share about slave enablers in New Hampshire.

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“Well, if we’re concerned about slavery enablers, Franklin Pierce’s statue needs to come down, in front of the New Hampshire State House. Because he actually could have avoided the Civil War. And don’t forget that Daniel Webster. Somone in his family owned slaves and he didn’t say anything against it so those statues need to come down. 

Audio begins at 10:57

Does anyone expect the Democrat Party to encourage NH House Rep. Sherry Frost to lead a coven of pussy-hat wearing feminazis on a statue toppling crusade across the front of the New Hampshire State House?

They might.

What about Senator Jeanne Shaheen or Maggie Hassan? Both served in the shadow of these slavery enablers without so much as a peep. Is the guilt weighing heavy as they mingle with lobbyists and the political class, up to their eyeballs in the swamp?

Is anyone or anything else in danger?

Should the “Uncle Tom’s” of the world fear for their safety? What about the African Nations who for centuries have sold “their own people™” down the river, literally, down a river, to the sea, to a boat, that’s there because slaves were a product with a market.

America eventually ended the demand side of that equation, but the supply side lives on. You don’t hear a heck of a lot about that from Democrats except to say that we need open borders and lax enforcement, which not uncoincidentally perpetuates human trafficking which is just another form of slavery.

When the NGO managing New Hampshire’s human trafficking task force windfall hired a sex-workers advocate to steer the committee the party of women’s rights wasn’t just silent as a church mouse their complicit media watchdogs had nothing to say either. Prostitution and sex trafficking are inseparable and sex trafficking is slavery, yet the left could not bring itself to condemn the selection of Kate D’Adamo.

The Union Leader and a pair of bloggers were the only ones educating the public on that carnival of the absurd.

And where does that leave us? With guilt and anger.

Most if not all of these civil war heroes are Democrat Founders. People whose ancestors later tried to stop the civil rights movement opposed the vote for Black Americans and were against equality. They did everything they could to keep the black man down.

They are still at it. Abortion, generational welfare, the minimum wage, a public education monopoly that is more of a public disservice to the black community than a service.

So this statue nonsense isn’t ex-post-facto justice; it’s destroying the evidence. But not just evidence.

The case for historical vandalism could be made to erasing the entire founding from the American landscape. A purge of the very people and things that later ended slavery and continue, to this day, to provide an equality of opportunity unmatched anywhere on the globe.

So, we’ve got some “evidence” in New Hampshire. Do the little weiners have the stones to try and erase our history too?

