Construction of a Synagogue Banned Because it could be a Terrorist Target - Granite Grok

Construction of a Synagogue Banned Because it could be a Terrorist Target

Bondi Beach, Sydney Suburb
Bondi Beach, in a Sydney, Australia Suburb

A Sydney Australia suburb has prohibited the construction of a synagogue because it might become a target of ISIS. Talk about a win for Islamofascism.

The Land and Environment Court backed the decision by Waverley Council to prohibit the construction of the synagogue in Wellington St, Bondi — just a few hundred meters from Australia’s most famous beach — because it was too much of a security risk for users and local residents.

Can we call that Muslim Privilege?

You get the locals to “kick the jews” out for you.

It’s an unusual tack for a supposedly ‘western country.’ I don’t suppose they’ve stopped building banks for fear of them being robbed or consented to the serial aborting of female babies to prevent rape?

Sure, that last one is a bit harsh but consider the depth of this inclusion into liberty in general not just the desire for the freedom to practice a faith. Global terrorism is in charge of whether or not some Jews can build a place of worship in a modern western metropolitan suburb because the Islamofascists might cause harm to people headed toward their famous tourist trap beach.

But wait. The security assessment didn’t say that at all.

The Friends of Refugees from Eastern Europe, the Jewish group that appealed the council decision in the Land and Environment Court, argued the Preliminary Threat and Risk Analysis it commissioned from a terrorism expert did not indicate any risk to local residents or passersby and was only about the security of those using the synagogue — who were used to the threat of violence.

Not that any of that mattered because ” the physical measures proposed to deal with the identified threats will have an unacceptable impact on the streetscape and adjoining properties.”

When can we expect Australia to change its national flag to all-white? (Islam does, after all, mean surrender.)

Terrorists are free to represent a threat for which the cure is not doing anything that might encourage them to mow down the locals or destroy them and their property.

The next obvious question is, would they let the Muslim’s build a mosque there (I see at least three in or near Sydney, now), or would that be viewed as a security threat because it could attract Terrorists and members of ISIS?

I think we know the answer to that.

Watch for this ‘decision’ to expand its reach and scope to every corner of the world where progressives and/or Islamists will use it to try to prevent things to which they object.
