Notable Quote - Nobel Laureate James Buchanan - Granite Grok

Notable Quote – Nobel Laureate James Buchanan

What I seek to rule out here, or at least for a sufficient number of interacting persons in the social order, is the ‘arrogance of ignorance’ as exercised through ill-advised collective actions. The perfectibility [of human understanding] threshold for the viability of classical liberalism requires that persons eschew romantic ideals about the potential perfectibility of society itself. In other words, the viability of classical liberalism depends critically upon persons ‘keeping their feet on the ground.’

-Nobel Laureate Prof. James Buchanan (Economics,  Why I, Too, Am Not a Conservative: The Normative Vision of Classical Liberalism)

Ah!  A member of the “Just leave me alone!” coalition.  But Progressives just can’t help themselves – they will continue to try to “evolve” and “perfect” the rest of us even if it kills us.

(H/T: Cafe Hayek)
