Socialist in Moderate Clothing Wins French Election - Granite Grok

Socialist in Moderate Clothing Wins French Election

Macron-Endorsed-HaloIt seems that the hyping of Emmanuel Macron by the global elites and media was more than enough to overcome the curse of an endorsement by Barack Obama, and the news is coming in, and it’s not great for France. To be frank, the choices were not that great when you look closely at them:

Emmanuel Macron, Elitist, Globalist, Socialist – for open borders and obeisance to Germany.
Marine Le Pen, Populist, Nationalist, Protectionist, Socialist – for leaving the EU and limiting immigration.

Well, the open borders socialist won the day, and the collapse of the European house of cards now lies on the shoulders of the Italians, who are very unhappy at being told how to run their finances.

If you missed my thumbail sketch of Macron, it’s here.

