Trump Is A Fraud - Granite Grok

Trump Is A Fraud

“The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.”  -Lord Acton

Fraud“This guy is a Fraud,” said Bernie Sanders Sunday to CNN’s State of the Union. Bernie Sanders…The advocate for the working man! Um…exactly, “what,” working man?

It makes no difference what the context of his fraud accusation is. Bernie Slanders should be the last guy on earth to call anybody a fraud for any reason.

I ask that sincerely because Sanders a/k/a “Slanders,” said Donald Trump is a fraud and Sanders has never worked an honest day in his life.  His bio claims the carpentry trade but he was all over the map in vocational inventory. American People’s Historical Society, a non-profit that produced leftist progressive filmstrips, created in 1978, was not a bastion of jobs and economic prosperity. Sanders finally collected his first steady paycheck at the age of 40! He was now an elected official! Bernie Sanders won an election as a bum.

Who is a Fraud?

Before his first elected post he didn’t pay his bills…His electricity was constantly shut off and extension cords were his life tools. He sat on his ass…idle…poor and blaming others. Liberty Union Party member John Bloch said of Sanders,

He was a shitty [sic] carpenter.

Liberty Union member Danny Morrisseau said of Sanders,

“His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Other comments about Sanders from his socialist cohorts characterized Sanders as,  “His writing wasn’t a living; He was always poor; Virtually unemployed; Just one step above hand to mouth; survived off of public benefits.”

FraudBernie Sanders, before getting elected to public office at the age of 40, was a loafer….a sponge, sucking off the public dole…The pre-millennial millennial living in “God-Knows who’s” basement. Nothing but a mope…A loser.  The guy was born and raised to live off the public dole….and still does. Bernie Slanders landed himself a congressional seat in 1990…and there he is 27 years later.

When Bernie Slanders calls Donald Trump a fraud, we all should belly-laugh, coming from a guy who is nothing but a lazy bastard and a leach, sponging off the labors of larger society. Advocate for the working man? PLEASE!

Bernie Slanders is a fraud. People can hate Trump, Loathe Trump and detest Trump all day long. However, nobody can take from Trump his work ethic and success.

Nevertheless, we all cannot overlook the masterful accomplishments of Bernie Slanders legacy. Sanders pre-elect life has defined the infamous millennial template we so readily see day to day and Sanders is the contemporary standard-bearer for all Kool-Aid Slurping Millennial protesters.


Protests and riots of spoiled rich children away from home and rudderlessly sheeping around the halls of progressive academia, blindly following what any brain dead, middle finger-throwing, shrill leftist academic feeds them, and damnation be the truth. Snivel rights Activists and their mercurial definitions of hate speech, throwing temper tantrums, destroying property and parroting false narratives. Sporting their little safety pins, these people should be walking around with binkies in their mouths. These snowflakes do not even know the irony of their behavior. 3M is getting rich off these idiots with the current run on poster boards to make Trump Hate signs…They might as well buy stock in Crayola and Sharpie while they arm up for their sniveling protests.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is now at epidemic levels; Which begs the question of will we soon see CDC officials jumping from vans with large butterfly nets and syringes full of Thorazine? Doubtful. But that is okay. I’ll settle for the joyful news clips of deranged snivel rights activists being hot-winged by the police with their fire extinguisher sized cans of Pepper Spray. When protesters get Peppers Sprayed, I know it is going to be a good day.

Bernie Sanders is the living embodiment of the Snowflake. He lived the socialist screed sponging off the very system he rails against. Just another New York City liberal, transplanted into Vermont with the mindset that the world owes him a living….wait…nevermind, Sanders did not work..well, not at least at a self-sustaining level.

Bernie Slanders is the epitome of a Fraud. He never worked at a self-sustaining level, never started a business, never created a job, never made a good, never contributed to the economy in a meaningful way. So many other pols haven’t either, but nobody wears it on the sleeve like slanders.  I call BS on  Bernie Slanders’ work Ethic… And, he has the balls to call Trump a fraud? That right there is funny. The whole world is upside down and Slanders is atop.
