Ok, one "bad" story about voter fraud deserves another - Granite Grok

Ok, one “bad” story about voter fraud deserves another

voterfraudMethinks our Progressive commenters, Bruce and Herb, are going to have headaches before we’re done.  This is number four in a series and is about identity theft to register in another State (and not so coincidently, get the guy whose identity was stolen in hot water; reformatted, emphasis mine):

Consider this note from our friend Roger Beckett, executive director of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University in Ohio:

I received the letter below from the Department of Elections in the State of Delaware. After a couple phone calls to them, I learned that someone registered me to vote (with my correct Date of Birth and Social Security number) on July 12, 2016 in Wilmington, Delaware. As a Democrat. I have never registered to vote in Delaware. I have only ever registered to vote where I live, in Ohio. I checked my credit report, and this is not full-fledged identity theft. It appears to be just some new-fangled election fraud. 

I was asked by the good people in the Delaware Election Commissioner’s office to send a letter to them that they could forward to the Delaware’s Attorney General, which I will do.

This is similar to a lot of results of investigations done over the last 20 years by Ed Naile, Chair of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers (CNHT.org) (and a valued contributor here at the ‘Grok).  We keep hearing about that there is no voter fraud by Democrats (and GOPe-ers).  Yet these things keep cropping up on a more than regular basis.  Remember ACORN?  Yeah, that spawn of Sau Alinsky tactics?  Their main line of action was fraudulent voter registration which nicely fits the narrative that little voter fraud in the ballot box.  Like this story, if the fraud is happening upstream but people are only watching downstream (e.g., same day registrations?), it is like the tree that falls in the woods and no one’s around to see it?

Yeah, no one is around to see (and therefore, or) catch it.

(H/T: Powerline)
