Gov. Sununu Puts Hold on Administrative Rule-Making - Granite Grok

Gov. Sununu Puts Hold on Administrative Rule-Making

Chris sununu

Gov. Sununu has issued a 90-day moratorium on rules making in all New Hampshire state agencies and requested each provide a comprehensive report on whether current or proposed rules are mandated by law.

From, Kevin Landrigan, reporting in the Manchester Union Leader,

“We all recognize that government regulations are intended to protect and promote the public health, safety, or welfare of our state, but that certain regulations may impose unnecessary burdens and costs on our state’s citizens and businesses,” Sununu said. “It is therefore necessary for the executive branch to undertake a comprehensive review of the state’s regulations in order to ensure that state government is operating as efficiently and effectively as possible.”

These sorts of things are typically for “show” but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt until March when the Executive branch reviews the reports and responds.
