Borderlessworld - Granite Grok



As recently as a quarter-century ago, Her Britannic Majesty’s Government, in order to contain a domestic emergency, was willing to impose internal travel restrictions within the United Kingdom on those suspected of terrorist associations, in order to prevent some fellows from Newry or West Belfast flying to Manchester or Birmingham and blowing stuff up. Just to underline my point, that was a domestic emergency: the bombers were already within the nation’s borders, and full citizens, so you’re stuck with them. But today it would apparently be unreasonable to expect western governments to cease importing large numbers of foreigners who wish to murder the natives.

The elite’s embrace of the UN’s borderless world (with them in charge) is why Brexit and why Trump; sovereign people, realizing the cost, are sending a message.

But “the smartest people in any room™” are a hard egg-head to crack. They won’t go quietly. They will fight for cultural suicide until it kills you.
