So why does Sophie Theallet have First Amendment Rights where other small biz owners do not? - Granite Grok

So why does Sophie Theallet have First Amendment Rights where other small biz owners do not?

double-standardOr: how come a fashion designer is not held to the same standard as we’ve seen pizza shops, photographers, florists who the Left has shattered?

As we have seen these last few years, have been cited, fined, held up to ridicule, harm done to their private property, violence threatened to them and their families, businesses ruined, and bankrupted by being dragged through lengthy court cases where their fundamental Constitutional Right to Free Association has been trammeled by the triple evil of an expanded sense of what a public accommodation is, mere local ordinances, and petty officials wielding ideological clubs (“there can be no dissent to those of the Left”).

Now that it looks like Melania Trump is going to be the First Lady, why is it that this misbegotten, self-assured, self-righteous moonbat named Sophia Theallet has not just the temerity to say that she will not allow her “fashion goods and services” to be extended to Melania (as they have been to Michelle “the Lunch Lady” Obama) – and the Left cheers and joins in with her??

Her Letter is here (and after the jump).  Apparently, her protestations in not serving Melania or the other Trump females  center around her freedom to her free expression….

Free Expression, Free Association – First Amendment Rights.  And you know, I agree with her. She should have the freedom to choose who her firm would service and who they would not.   Yet, if I tried the same thing (e.g., “I do not serve Progressives”), the Left here in NH would be DELIGHTED to do to me what they have done, say, to Baronelle Stutzman, the florist whose life is in the process of being ruined because while she sold homosexuals flowers, she did not wish to participate in their marriage vows because it violated her religious beliefs.  Ditto

Note: before you go all Jim Crow on me, remember that Jim Crow laws were mostly a Southern thing AND THE SOUTH WAS DEMOCRAT controlled at the time.  It was GOVERNMENT that passed the discrimination laws. Sure, people in the South mostly agreed with those laws and it engendered attitudes that were downright wrong and nasty at the least.  But also remember, it was Republicans at the national level that passed the Civil Rights Act that broke its back.

All that said, remember that this is an individual practicing discrimination just as much as the Jim Crow laws back then as the result is exactly the same: we do not serve your kind.  Back then it was over skin color.  Now it is over political viewpoint or Party affiliation.

To be sure, I am NOT saying to bring them back – after all, I have oft said and written that I don’t care if you are black, white, red, brown or even purple with polka dots.  I AM saying, however, that the pendulum has swung WAY too far in that the Left sees EVERYTHING (almost) as some form of discrimination – to the point of all but denying individuals that basic Freedom of Association.  Is that right?

To also be sure, the Left should not be allowed to practice their discrimination, or be applauded for it, when those that don’t share the views are hated and despised.  If she can, why not Baronelle Stutzman, or me?  Remember, you can’t be “Stronger Together” when you see me as a sub-human Evil simply because my views differ from your’s.

That just makes you a hypocrite.

Religious views vs Political views – why the double standard?  Can it simply come down to that the Left is protecting its own Political religion and is going “Islamist Jihad” on competing religions, especially the Christian one as that poses the most direct threat to theirs? That anyone disagreeing with them must be destroyed?  What other religion does that nowadays?


