Quick Thought: "Gov.-elect Sununu calls for end to same-day voter registration" - Granite Grok

Quick Thought: “Gov.-elect Sununu calls for end to same-day voter registration”

voterfraudFrom the UL (emphasis mine, reformatted):

CONCORD — Republican Gov.-elect Chris Sununu appears to be in agreement with his party’s legislative agenda when it comes to tightening up voting regulations in the state.  Thursday, he took it one step further, saying he would support a bill that would end same-day voter registration in New Hampshire. His comments came during an interview on New Hampshire Pubic Radio, when Sununu was asked about GOP voting initiatives.

“I’ve never been a fan of same-day voter registration, most states don’t have it,” he said. “There’s a reason. It can cause problems.”

We have seen how same-day registrations can be the Trojan Horse in voting – right after previous elections, Ed Naile of CNHT sent out letters (as well as others around NH) to the addresses of “voters” that used that process, they came back “undeliverable”.  That tells us a lot – vote and scoot.  And most likely, laughing at the miserable “safeguards” against fraudulent voting.  Being the foremost “illegal voter hunter”, he’s been reduced to waging this war in the States from whence these folks have established their legal “domiciles”.

Of course here in NH, Democrats say it is either none existent to rare = “where are the guilty?” they ask knowing full when there are none.  We can lay this situation around the necks of Pretty Kelly Ayotte, her sidekick Bud Fitch, and current NH AG Joe Foster (and no small amount of opprobrium to their predecessors as well) for not taking on the task of judicially applying the smackdown.

I saw in the comments (as well as knowing it before reading them) that NH chose it over Motor Voter.  Yes, choices have consequences but one would think that if The Rule of Law is in force (as opposed to “Get the Political Advantage”), we’d have closed this loophole…

Sidenote:  Hey, Democrats / Progressives / Socialists, you’re all about “eliminating loopholes” (real or propagandized); how come not this “one”?

Sununu is on the right track here.  I hope he can stay on message and stay on track on this issue and not be swayed by the Left repeating their constant (and hackneyed) threat of “RAAAAACIST!” and “voter suppression”; this is neither. Secure the vote – after all, you DO squawk about “identity theft” from time to time – isn’t this the same thing?

I was in college in Boston for a while – I ALWAYS voted by absentee ballot as it was the right thing to do even as my home town was in MA.  I always viewed Boston as a nice place to go to school but I really never thought I “belonged” there – my home was otherwise.  I would NEVER have thought “hey, I’ve been in the same dorm for years – time to change the license and my other legal documentation”.  Home was home and this ain’t it.

Other states have much more stringent laws and regulations to ensure that you are you and only you, as a legal resident, should vote here in NH.  I would like to think that Sununu would not just sign but promote not just tightening up NH’s laws but ALSO very much stiffening up the consequences of those that are either committing such fraud and diluting my vote (binders, busses, and vans & cars with out of state license plates at our polling places) but ALSO in dropping the anvil on those NH officials (et al) that either turn a blind eye or actively cooperating it.

We’ll keep watching.
