Progressivity in our income tax system is UNFAIR - Granite Grok

Progressivity in our income tax system is UNFAIR

“Is the U.S. tax system fair? Are the rich paying too little or too much? What about the middle and lower class? New York Times bestselling author Amity Shlaes answers these questions, and offers a tax solution that most Americans could get on board with.”

It seems fair that people who make more money should pay more taxes, right? But the next question to ask is: how much more? What is any individual taxpayer’s “fair share”? Is it fair, for example, that 70% of all income taxes are paid by just 10% of taxpayers, while nearly half of America’s workers pay none at all? In this week’s video, Amity Shlaes, author of The Forgotten Man and syndicated columnist for Forbes, shows how our current “progressive” tax system is not only unfair, it actually discourages people from working harder to earn more. What would a truly fair tax system look like?

But remember, Progressives are in favor of it – why not, as these Socialists want fulfill Marx’s “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”

(H/T: Liberty Unyielding)
