Hey! The Dems wanna reassemble the Three Stooges? - Granite Grok

Hey! The Dems wanna reassemble the Three Stooges?

Biden Is ComingHillary Clinton, John Kerry (aka, Lurch or Live Shot) and now…..

Hillary wants Biden for Secretary of State

Neither Clinton, nor her aides have yet told Biden. According to the source, they’re strategizing about how to make the approach to the vice president, who almost ran against her in the Democratic primaries but has since been campaigning for her at a breakneck pace all over the country in these final months.

“He’d be great, and they are spending a lot of time figuring out the best way to try to persuade him to do it if she wins,” said the source familiar with the transition planning.

So far, the biggest result that the first two can brag about is about a million miles of carbon footprint.  Does anyone really think that Joe “Fire two shots from a shotgun” Biden will do any better?  At least he was insulated from touching anything as Veep.

(H/T: Hot Air)
