Here's someone that would be perfectly fine in confiscating all guns... - Granite Grok

Here’s someone that would be perfectly fine in confiscating all guns…

“If I could, I would take all the guns in America, put them on big barges and go dump them in the ocean.  Nobody would have a gun. Not police, not security, not anybody. We should eliminate all of them. They are a scourge of this country and no one should have one as far as I’m concerned. There’s no defense to guns. There’s just absolutely no reason to have them.

But it is a right of people in this country to own and possess them, and I will not say anything to affect that right.”

–  Judge Kenneth Walker of Multnomah County, Ore.

Well thank the Constitution for that last bit. Problem is, too many people who are of the same mind set don’t see the Constitution as a set of protections for us but as a speedbump / obstacle to get around that first sentiment.  Unfortunately, too many people see the gun as the problem and not the person behind the barrel.

(H/T: CNSNews)
