Disqus Doodlings – “…proving once again, environmentalist are the people of “you don’t and CAN’T have that” - Part 2 - Granite Grok

Disqus Doodlings – “…proving once again, environmentalist are the people of “you don’t and CAN’T have that” – Part 2

Could I get a side of steak with my steak?
Could I get a side of steak with my steak?

Recap: Treehugger’s Katherine Martinko had a hissy fit that people are misbehaving and not living up to her standards about eating meat.  She just can’t understand WHY we carnivores just won’t get the message and save the planet by going vegan (here’s a hint: PETA – People Eating Tasty Animals).  Yep, we’re the apex predator and they are what’s for dinner instead of cauliflower. But it was fun in the comment area as Part 1 showed.  I continued to to cross swords with Jim Gordon who rather took exception that I challenged his thoughts:

Constitutional rights have nothing to do with this. Your actions as a responsible adult occupant of this planet are the issue.

Regarding “killing babies” <eye roll=””> NGOs have found that educating women results in lower birth rates. How can you attempt to comment on population and not even be aware of that basic fact?

Environmentalists understand why they ‘SHOULD NOT have that’. Deniers understand nothing but their own personal myopic self interests.

Umm, I think it was you, Jim, that first said “Thank the thronging hordes of prolific multi-child families for taking away many of your rights” so I went from rare to medium:

Actually, is DOES have everything to do with it because YOU brought it up that multi-children families are taking away many of your rights. I simply asked you to show proof of that.

Educating women does lower birth rates but you didn’t say that. You DID say “…by supporting Planned Parenthood until it hurts”. Planned Parenthood does abortions which is the killing of unborn children. That’s an “eye roll”?

By calling people “deniers” you seem to take on the mantle of religious attachment to the environmentalist movement – like those that you so categorize have mortally sinned against some catechism (of which I just don’t believe). Does that make me a kiffur? You know, Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore both seem to be very insistent that we all give up a lot of stuff that helps us have a modern lifestyle – even as they jet all over the world and DiCaprio does seem to love him all those vacays on Superyachts. Tell you what – when all those kinds of Warmists (see, I have a word like deniers as well!) start LIVING like it is a crisis, maybe then (and only then) I’ll start believing that it may well be one.

I am disappointed, however, that a follow on was not forthcoming as I really wanted to learn how he could make large families into enemies of the State of Environmentalism.  Dang!
