Venezuela Isn't Socialist, It's Capitalist...Right Comrade? - Granite Grok

Venezuela Isn’t Socialist, It’s Capitalist…Right Comrade?

Funny how Socialist countries always become something other than Socialist when the poison of its policies rots a society. It’s never really socialism, is it, not according to the Socialist, anyway. To the Socialist, Socialism has never really been tried. Not the right way.  Sure they say it’s Socialism when nationalizing industries, seizing property, and spreading “equality” and things seem to be going swimmingly for all the right people (And what about that grain harvest?!). Then when reality reasserts itself and the true penalty of socialism’s grip slowly squeezes living essentials scarce, spreading extreme hunger, and stoking violent desperation, it magically becomes something else, doesn’t it?  That wasn’t Socialism, that was…was… capitalism. Yeah that’s it!  Funny that.

