See, a hard left Demcrat and a hard right Conservative can agree on things! - Granite Grok

See, a hard left Demcrat and a hard right Conservative can agree on things!

There are two things I really hate to do – go clothes shopping and get my hair cut.  Not that I don’t need either, I just hate the time I spend doing it and I put both off for as long as I possible can.  Thus, I ping-pong from going between having rather long hair (for people my age in today’s fashions) and rather short.  About the only thing positive is that I can say my ‘Grok hat fits better now.

However, while TMEW was getting her hair cut, I got to sit and mind the sleeping grandson.  After a few minutes, an older lady sat down next to me and exclaimed how cute he is. I can certainly agree with that!

But it also turned out she works at the local Democrat HQ office and also has been politically active for far longer a time than I.  Well, never one to lose an opportunity, we began to “talk shop” and we both on one really important (and really scary item):

BOTH of us agreed that both our sides (me on mine and hers, and her assenting the same) have the worst Political Class in memory.

And we BOTH agreed that going forward, this does not bode well for the country.
