What do teachers and Planned Parenthood (and Maggie Hassan) have in common? - Granite Grok

What do teachers and Planned Parenthood (and Maggie Hassan) have in common?

SchoolhouseBehold – they all hate “involved” parents influence of their children:

A spokeswoman for the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Alaska is criticizing the state’s new sex education restrictions that require the curriculum to be approved by local school districts and open to review by parents.

Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii spokeswoman Jessica Cier said the legislation — which is becoming law without Gov. Bill Walker’s signature — is a “crushing blow for comprehensive and medically accurate sexual health education” because it will invite considerable scrutiny of the curriculum by parents and local boards of education.

Like I’ve said before, who owns my children?  According to Cier, it ain’t me and it ain’t you.  And look at that Progressive rail about Power being decentralized – why, how DARE they?  And don’t those local BoEs and parents just KNOW they are absolute rubes that that know nothing?  WE is the experts!

Cier’s full statement is as follows:

Governor Walker failed to show leadership and failed Alaskan youth by choosing to support the dangerous restrictions on sexual health education that will now become law in Alaska. HB 156 is a crushing blow for comprehensive and medically accurate sexual health education in Alaska and his lack of action today has put the education of thousands of teens in Alaska at risk, elevating sex ed to the most scrutinized subject in the state. Every single guest speaker, every curriculum, and even every piece of paper being used must be individually approved by each school board. This is designed to do one thing: block students from accessing the sex education they need on safe sex and healthy relationships. Our students, and everyone else in Alaska, deserves [sic] better from their leaders.”

So, only Planned Abortion Parenthood has a lock on what is accurate?  Or what constitutes a “healthy relationship”?  Heavens, what did we all do before PP (I guess we have to ask NH GOP Committeeman Steve Duprey, supporter of PP’s political action committee)?

Well, here’s the thing – ain’t true.  Cier’s just ticked in that they are getting cut out of having direct contact in the schools to teach THEIR philosophy of sex (which is, pretty much, anything you want and that they can think of for perversity / morality undermining).  Go head. froth all you want but this is a great move to return control and oversight (and accountability) to where it belongs

The sex education measure is actually an amendment to a bill — passed by the state legislature in May — that aims to give local school boards in Alaska a respite from standardized testing. The bill, written by Wasilla state Rep. Wes Keller (R), calls for local school boards to create policies that permit parents to object to curricula and opt their children out of individual activities, an entire class, or state standardized testing.

The sex education amendment, written by state Sen. Mike Dunleavy, requires the curriculum to be taught by a certified teacher of a given school or an individual under a certified teacher’s supervision who has been approved by the local school district and whose credentials have been reviewed by parents.

Devolving Power back to where it belongs, decentralizing the decision making the way it should be from the Command and Control Progressive form of government.  And putting kids out of the clutches of the “ANY sex is goodness, anyway, any how, and with any one” fetishers masquerading as “we’z the normal ones here” (trademark: “Parents are extremists!”).

I’ve been blogging it for years and was reminded of Maggie “The Red” Hassan’s stance with her siding with the teachers union and appointing to then and using the NH Board of Education to continually chip away and obstruct local and parental control over their childrens’ education. Just like Cier above.  All in all, pretty much, a Socialist mantra right there – for no Freedom loving government would be doing what they do in denigrating the role of parents in their childrens’ lives.

They do want to have a “We have your children” society.

And it is getting to the point where you, as a parent, can’t trust your pediatrician either.  But, remember, they say “it’s for the children” but they believe it’s for THEIR children.  Not your’s.  Or your beliefs on the matter.
