This mirrors what they are doing - Granite Grok

This mirrors what they are doing

My first thought was “seriously”?

NRO Is Moving to Facebook Comments

So, in this New World where Progressives have politicized everything and are deliberately trying to dissemble the Constitution step by step, National Review’s The Corner is switching from Disqus to FACEBOOK?  I can’t quite wrap my head around this – why would they get involved with a company that hates Conservatives, has been caught censoring Conservatives and hiding their FB writings, and has contributed a lot to Democrats since becoming a behemoth?  They and their founder Zuckerberg seem to be for every issue that the Left adopts and their political donations go there as well.

Go read the comments – a lot of folks are unhappy with the choice not only because of FB’s political history but Disqus (which we use here) allows for anonymous speech – just like the early pamphleteers during the Revolutionary War.  I’m not a fan of FB’s policy that requires you to identify yourself as it does tend to squash speech – and we do know how easy it is for FB to “invisible” someone.  Saying something that you put on such a site as NRO that then shows up on your timeline makes for easy pickings for some Progressive moonbat to do what Progressive moonbats do – make a play to silence anyone that dissents from their religion (instead of engaging them).

