Sigourney Weaver is "Not In Kansas Anymore" or Ever, Apparently... - Granite Grok

Sigourney Weaver is “Not In Kansas Anymore” or Ever, Apparently…

US 2013-2016 percipitation as percent of normal
US Precipitation 2013-2016

Posted above we have a map of precipitation for the entire US from 2014-2016. Two years of data.

Compare that to Sigourney Weaver (can we call her ‘SIG’ for short?) at the Democrat National convention crying drought…

Any event or day that goes “their way” is all they care about. Actual science, or in this case the weather over time, is verboten. And for good reason. Weaver’s compassion for the drought-stricken plays well to denizens of the bleeding-heart-liberal mother ship. It justifies their cries for federal intervention. It says “give us what we want now, or else!”

The reality, hundreds of thousands of years worth of weather, most of it much less hospitable due to perfectly natural phenomena, does not give them more power and more control. But they don’t simply ignore that history, they deny it. They deny it while they rewrite it, then suggest that their new truth, the one that reinforces their lie, is the new, real truth.

And some very well-heeled idiots believe them when they say the sky is falling, or in this case, not “falling” enough.


Corrected typo from 2013 to 2014.
