O: She's Great! FBI Director: She Lacks Understanding - Granite Grok

O: She’s Great! FBI Director: She Lacks Understanding

July 5, 2016 Obama:  “There has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than Hillary Clinton,”

July 7, 2016 FBI Director:  Hillary might not have a “sophisticated enough” understanding to recognize classified email markings.

So let’s make her president!!! Hoooray!

Man, we’re screwed.

But first to Oblunder’s Oblivion.  Man, is this guy a pipe dream smoker.  It’s a reminder of Oblunder saying Isis is the JV team, then a few days later they begin to spill over the Middle East beheading, crucifying and murdering. Or his “Isis has been contained” the day before the Paris attack. Good lord is this guy detached, deluded, or just plain ol’ dumb.  Now he says,  “There has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than Hillary Clinton,”!  Man.  He must totally be one of the few things I just mentioned or he simply believes Democrats and those willing to vote for the lying thieves are simpletons and morons.  Whichever it is, thank goodness he’s gone soon.

Now, lets take a look at Candidate Cankles.  This woman clomped around the White House for 8 years presumably with access to classified information or at least privy to the protocol.  She was in the Senate for 8 years with access to classified information. And she played the part of Secretary of State—disastrously so– for 4 years with access to classified information. And as Secretary of State she was the Classification Authority! Which means she had the responsibility to classify information!  Yet through all of this: 20 years. 20 YEARS and as a Classification Authority, the FBI Director questions whether she’s  “sophisticated enough” to recognize classified markings!   What the hell?

She’s playing the fumbling old lady card who gives out her credit card number over the phone in order to help a long lost relative from the Ukraine that she didn’t know she had.

I jest, of course, because as we all know, the fix is in.  And as for Oblunder believing that Democrats and those willing to vote for the lying thieves are simpletons and morons,  he’s right.
