How About Honoring the UN on Independence Day? - Granite Grok

How About Honoring the UN on Independence Day?

Martin Goulet - Amherst DemocratThe Democrat pictured above in the Amherst Independence Day Parade is (we are told) one Martin Goulet.

“Martin Goulet of Amherst, NH,” really felt the Bern. He also writes informational content on the Amherst Democrat’s blog site and thinks that Independence Day is also UN Pride Day. (Go Free speech, right?)

We’ve no quarrel with the exercise of free speech, but this expression was inappropriate and ill-suited to the event. American Independence stands for everything the UN is attempting to undo. The two ideas are not compatible. And yet here we have an Amherst, New Hampshire Democrat proudly displaying the UN flag in an Independence day parade.

Martin’s address and phone number are readily available on the internet if you’d like to ask him why he thought this was a suitable time and place for this. Please be polite. The world has enough ass-hats like Martin in it already.
