Given His Terrorism Record, Wouldn't You Change the Subject? - Granite Grok

Given His Terrorism Record, Wouldn’t You Change the Subject?

If I had a record on preventing terrorism that’s as bad as Oblunder’s, I’d change the subject too.  I mean let’s face it, why walk into a buzz saw when you can hop into a getaway car and speed away.   What am I talking about?  His and the left’s insistence in talking about pretty much anything other than terrorism when the subject of last weekend’s atrocity in Orlando comes up.

And, naturally, there’s been the usual handwringing about how Oblivious isn’t treating the Orlando terrorist attack as terrorism but rather as a gun control issue.  And I agree with all that. He’s avoiding it at worst, talking it down at best; however, I can also see why Oblunder would want to change the subject.  On average, there has been a terrorist attack ever year of Obama’s administration, as the New York Post points out:

  • December 2015, San Bernardino County
  • July 2015: Mohammad Abdulazeez, US Navy Reserve in Chattanooga, Tenn.
  • May 2015: ISIS-directed Muslims Nadir Soofi and Elton Simpson Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas
  • April 2013: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Boston Marathon
  • September 2012: Terrorists with al Qaeda in the Maghreb US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya
  • November 2009: Army Maj. Nidal Hasan Fort Hood, Texas
  • June 2009: Al Qaeda-trained Abdulhakim Muhammad Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark.

So, if that was your record, would you bring up terrorism?  I wouldn’t.  I’d want to change the subject and move the argument to more favorable territory just like he and the gutless dishonest left are doing right now.  They’re tugging the debate it to things like gun control,  homophobia, Republican opposition to gay marriage, and hate speech etc.  (I’m waiting for the transgendered bathroom crisis to be the culprit, but so far haven’t seen it..yet).

I suspect the lefties picked up on this weakness which is one of the reasons they’re sounding off about flushing Due Process rights down the toilet for those fingered by the police or a bureaucrat.  Oblunder’s  flaccid impotent response to the reality of terrorism is Hillary’s legacy as well. She wants to continue Oblunder’s policies.  With that in mind, if you’re for the cankled candidate, then you better change the subject if you want to avoid her getting a giant red “Weak on Terrorism” stamp on her forehead.

But this is a remarkable example of the true principle of the left. And we should examine it.  They have but one focal, primary principle: more power.   And anything that helps with that, they’re for. Anything that does not help attain that, they’re against.   They are not consistent when it comes to methods only to ends.  If using the Constitution can achieve their desired end, then use it. If not, then it must be changed, ignored, repealed.

Many of the wide mouthed lefty progressives shouting the loudest now about how people on the Terror Watch List / No Fly list (I keep hearing the terms “Terror Watch List” and “No Fly List” used interchangeably.  They are not the same. ) should not be able to get a gun are the same people who completely flipped out about something remarkably similar 10 years ago, but taking the opposite position then.

They are light years away from when they got the vapors over Bush’s use of the Patriot Act and secret courts.  Remember that? Spying on U.S. Citizens, the FISA Court rubber stamp etc.  The left was frothing mad about all of that.  Now what if Bush or Rumsfeld would have called for setting up a secret list of people whose rights would be suspended without their knowledge because a bureaucrat or law enforcement officer suspected that person of doing something nefarious? I can imagine the Michael Moore wing of the progressive movement spitting out half chewed globs of Fiddle-Faddle upon receiving the news, and then corralling thousands of fellow hirsute and unwashed to blight some unfortunate area of D.C., where they’ll soak a Rumsfeld effigy in kerosene and ignite it surrounded by placards reading, “Hands Off My Constitution!”

Now, many of these same people are calling for just that: creating a secret list of names that someone in power suspects belong to potential terrorists without the person’s knowledge, without a court hearing, without providing evidence, and suspending their rights.  One Democrat Senator even extends it to “anyone who had been on the list in the preceding five years.”.  So much for Due Process.

Bah.. trial by peers is for suckers.  Let’s get on with it,  man!  Bring on the Summary Executions!!!

Somethings never change… like the left’s lust for power over you.

I said it before and I’ll say it again: what a stupid time to be alive.
