On protecting your self against the Left Social Justice Warrior onslaught - Granite Grok

On protecting your self against the Left Social Justice Warrior onslaught

The Left has become emboldened, knowing that the Obama Transformationists have their backs – traditional middle class “fly over” values must be stamped out; anything that overthrows such will be protected.  And those standing up for them, like Brendan Eich, ust be destroyed.  From The Declination (emphasis mine):

The other day, it occurred to me that I have finally become entirely immune to SJW attack. Oh, they can find out who I am and where I live easily enough. Some have already. But I am not concerned with attacks on my person anyway — I am well armed and capable of defending myself.

But they have, in the past, used economic means to come after me. They failed, but I sought to further diversify my income streams to render myself immune to future attacks. I can now say that I am invulnerable to this sort of attack. I have switched to private contracting for the majority of my income. Yes, I still have a day job also, but that is a matter of convenience. I have worked for them for many years, and it has been mutually beneficial. It is a good job. If SJWs were to somehow damage that relationship, however, I could increase my contracting hours by way of compensation and suffer no financial losses.

My debt load is reduced to a single mortgage which, in a few years (at current rates), will also be eliminated. Loan-to-value rate is heavily positive, so even in the event of a market crash, I could dispose of the remaining property. I have hoarded most of my disposable income for the last year to provide a cushion sufficient for a full year at current expense rates, even supposing I didn’t make a single dime for an entire year, and supposing my wife also lost her source of income.

The window in which they could have silenced me has passed. If you are a libertarian, conservative, or anywhere to the right-of-center, I suggest you do likewise. The discrimination against us is in the process of going from subtle, behind-the-scenes, deniable discrimination too pen, outright hatred.

A few more bon mots at the post. I’ve already started.
