Has Nashua Democrat Rep. Ken Gidge Found a Magic Money Tree? - Granite Grok

Has Nashua Democrat Rep. Ken Gidge Found a Magic Money Tree?

MoneyTreeFront page, Union Leader. The Nashua Delegation to the New Hampshire House don’t get no respect. Someone cut the money for yet another (other, other) rail study from the transportation budget and they are unhappy. As a preventative to future acts of injustice ‘Nashua’ is considering a hired gun. A paid lobbyist to…do what the Nashua Delegation to the New Hampshire House was elected to do in the Legislature. Convince them that the $4 million dollars for the rail study “is not taxpayer money.”


[Gidge] maintained that misinformation and foolish comments are being made in the House, and opinions are being mistaken for facts.

“It is very disrespectful, to a degree,” contended Gidge, who did not elaborate or provide any specific details. However, other elected officials mentioned that some representatives in Concord were allegedly misinformed about the $4 million in federal funds, believing that it was instead taxpayer money or general funds being utilized for the project.

If opinions are being mistaken for facts now might be a good time to call or email Nashua New Hampshire House Democrat Ken Gidge and ask where the Federal Government got the money, if not from taxpayers?

22 Hayden Street
Nashua, NH  03060-5854
Email: kgidge@aol.com

I’d be very interested to know how they managed to come up with $4 million dollars without first taking it from someone else?

Typically, people work, or run a business, or invest in the efforts of others in hope of being rewarded in the future for taking the risk. The government comes along, like the mafia in search of protection money–an act made legal by the likes of people such as Nashua Democrat Ken Gidge–and use force (or the threat of force) to get a piece of that action. In exchange they get whatever the Ken Gidge’s of the political universe deem worthy. So if Nashua Democrat Ken Gidge has found a way to get $4 million dollars without first plundering the pockets of hard-working Americans, that’s the front page news.

And why stop at $4 million? We could all live like trust-fund babies, pay off the national debt, build commuter rails to take us to our commuter rails, and we wouldn’t need no stinkin’ taxpayer-paid lobbyist to do the job of elected legislators; but with free money, in the name of equality, we could all afford one.

We could end all taxes and fees. No more IRS. Heck, what the hell do we even need Ken Gidge for?

Sounds dreamy, but I suspect, in truth, that Ken Gidge has not found a secret source of endless plunder-free revenue and is in fact guilty of, how should I phrase this, “misinformation and foolish comments,” about where the Federal government gets money. That maybe, just maybe, opinions (his) are being mistaken for facts.

If that isn’t ironic enough, I bet–if we looked hard enough–we could find evidence that the same Ken Gidge has pimped the old saw about how New Hampshire pay’s out more in taxes to the Federal government than it gets back.

That particular turn of phrase can’t be either true of false unless the Federal government came and took the money in the first place.

So there is no “Federal money.” It is all local money. Money that your local elected officials and congresspersons give away in exchange for the opportunity to make themselves look good when they get some of it back, even for things as ridiculous as yet another rail study.

It’s protection money to the Don’s in DC and their mafia allies, all of whom will gladly loan that money back at a price. You do what they say, how they say it, for as long as they say.

It works like that all the way down to Ken Gidge, and a Nashua delegation that lacks the persuasive power necessary to convince its peers in the Legislature that another rail study is a worthy use of $4 million in taxpayer dollars, which it clearly isn’t, because if it were, they’d be proud to state as much instead of pretending taxpayers are not involved.

The natural response to this shortcoming…is to spend more of someone else’s money. This time on a professional lobbyist, which if I’m not mistaken makes Nashua–which is an incorporated place–just another big “business” using taxpayer money to get more taxpayer money, for another rail study.

Another rail study is not a worthwhile use of anybody’s money but if Nashua–and by Nashua I mean the local people not the local government–believes that it might be something they’d like to see examined, and they don’t want to pay for it out of the city budget, they could save a few bucks on a taxpayer-funded lobbyist and elect themselves some new Representatives to the New Hampshire House.

Note: If you elect people who know whose money they are actually spending, you may find them to be more interested in who is trying to take it and why, and more cautious about how what they do take is spent.

If you don’t care about any of that, just re-elect Ken Gidge.



Editing note. After publication I fixed an incredibly awkward paragraph. I didn’t change it I just broke it in to more sentences to make it easier to read.
