Big Government Takes from You to Benefit Politicians - Granite Grok

Big Government Takes from You to Benefit Politicians

The American Revolution wasn’t fought for plunder or conquest, but for the ideas that people can govern themselves and have inherent (by birth) rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  For these ideas wealthy, prominent Americans, prospering under British rule, pledged/risked their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor…and many endured hardships during the revolution they began.

The US Constitution defined a government that implemented those ideas, enabling self-government (through elected representatives) and protecting peoples’ inherent rights.

Some people have various criticisms of the Constitution, e.g., it allowed slavery, although it authorized Congress to abolish it after 1808, and it didn’t enable women to vote; but the Constitution provided an amendment process for providing fixes and addressing future needs.

In our first century, Americans became the wealthiest and freest people in the world; millions immigrated to pursue their American dreams.

Then things changed.

Professional politicians, who saw government as their path to wealth and power, replaced citizen legislators who served briefly then returned home.

Professional politicians gain power and wealth by dispensing money and privileges to supporters, so government size exploded from typically 3% to over 20% of GDP now.  Now government controls most aspects of our lives, what we can buy, what things cost, what we can do with our property, and often even what we can do with our lives.

Most Americans know that our government is too big, too intrusive, too wasteful, too expensive, too guided by what helps politicians; and it does NOTHING well.  It destroys American jobs, depresses wages, destroys American families, stifles initiative, placed an enormous national debt burden on unborn Americans, and rewards takers and special interests rather than most contributors to our society

The TEA Party fights to put control back in the hands of citizens.  The TEA Party opposes subsidies, bailouts, deficit spending, selective law enforcement, and any special privileges for the rich and/or politically connected.  The TEA Party fights for a smaller Constitutionally limited government providing opportunities and equal treatment for all.

Those who richly benefit from big government, e.g., professional politicians, the Democrat and Republican establishments, government employees, and other special interests, don’t want to give up their wealth and power.  So they hate and smear the TEA Party, e.g., calling it “Fascist”, and unite to destroy TEA Party.

If Americans keep electing political establishment candidates, then our big corrupt government will continue to grow and the opportunities and prosperity for most American will continue to decline.  Only by turning towards a smaller Constitutionally limited government can Americans rationally expect to improve their opportunities, prosperity, and freedoms.  Join a TEA Party and help return to government of, by, and for the people.
