The purpose of the Left is to destroy traditional Morality - Granite Grok

The purpose of the Left is to destroy traditional Morality

How many of us have looked around and said that I don’t recognize our country anymore?  Actions, behaviors, and words that would never have been carried out, brazenly done, and dirtily spoken are seemingly the norm nowadays.  Things that were “bad” are now glorified, that were done in secret because they were shameful now get top billing in prime time and first page / above the fold billing.  Traditional virtues like honesty, truthfulness, keeping promises, obeying the law, one man / one woman marriage, the traditional family, putting others first, simply living simplest of manners, chivalry (both for men AND women), the rejection of that which is bad and wrong, that God is not just dead but to be spit upon, that those of faith are made to be shamed for living a good life for Him – all now are now cause for ridicule (at best) and cause to be attacked to the point of losing their jobs and their homes.  I could go on and on but you get my drift.  It is the Left that is out to destroy and transform our public morality and values.  El Rushbo speaks on the LGBTQRSTUV movement pushing to allow men to traipse into public women bathrooms under the guise of “I feel pretty; I feel like a woman today”:

So what say you – are you going to lay down and let them do keep shattering the wall that is Civil Society?  What will your children inherit when

you realize this has all been done to make everything mean absolutely nothing and that everything is relative all the time and can turn on a whim?  What happens to the stability of society in which your adult children would never know their true heritage because it is always being undermined every second for the Left’s purpose?  When nothing stands for anything, what happens to those that know that absolute standards are necessary for Civil Society to function?  What happens, when pushed past its limits, when Civil Society degenerates into anarchy and chaos when there is “nothing” there and reality really appears to be a gazillion personal perceptions, protestation, and delusions of “ME, only ME counts”?

For that is where we are headed and that train, which long ago left the station, is accelerating rapidly.  Problem is, the track runs out just around that next Left bend…and then…..

(H/T: CNSNews)
