Solve National Debt problem, Jeanne Shaheen, then MAYBE demand football PSIs from the NFL - Granite Grok

Solve National Debt problem, Jeanne Shaheen, then MAYBE demand football PSIs from the NFL

Jeanne Shaheen Wicked WitchSeriously – there are a TON of problems facing the nation that the Congress with which it should be concerned.  A lot of them, IMHO, are functions of what they have already done – and done badly (both from a policy decision and legislation writing standpoint).  And a lot of it is from stepping over Constitutional boundaries (or ignoring them) and getting involved in things that should not be concerning them. Like the Ambassador fromthe Federal Government to NH [Senator] Jeanne Shaheen does here:

Seriously – someone that should be considering the intractable issues of the day, be concerned with protecting our Individual liberties (yeah, I know – Progressive), and then leaving we in Civil Society alone.  But here is Jeanne Shaheen, using “official” Senator twitter feed, making sure that everyone knows THAT A US SENATOR wants to throw her official weight around and tell a private concern what it should be doing.

Absolutely wrong.  This is the appearance of

“Nice game ya got there – pity if anything should happen to it” and should not be tolerated.  But then again, there’s a reason for the above image.  Progressives can’t help themselves especially those with US SENATOR prefixing their names (like NY’s CHuckie Schumer deciding that the width and pitch of private companies’ airline seats is within his and the US Senate’s locus of control).

They really don’t care how badly we think of them (what, 6, 11% approval rating) because they DO have the power to get their own way and aren’t afraid to use it because they aren’t much afraid they’d lose their cushy Mandarin seats for their butts.

(H/T: CBS Local)
