Sir Elton John’s Modern Family – Not So Modern After All. - Granite Grok

Sir Elton John’s Modern Family – Not So Modern After All.

Star Mag - Elton's Cheating Husband

Sir Elton John seems a bit prudish about his family life. For the life of me I cannot figure out why he is taking legal action against the British press for writing about his “husband”.

The lame excuse that his husband’s alleged extra “marital” threesome affairs would embarrass him and his children should have zero weight in any modern court of law.

Sir Elton John would throw a fit if some Christian cake baker did not want to make a three-way anniversary cake for him and his fellow partners. But he doesn’t want HIS children to find out?

The cake baker has to explain how wonderful Sir Elton and his hubby are to his children – in his family’s store. But the enlightened Sir Elton can’t sit his little one’s down and simply say one of their two fathers likes to have sex with other couples.

What a big, fat, self-righteous prude!

Bigotry against “love” comes full circle.

It had to happen.
