Economic Stagnation? Obama keeps telling "we're fine"? Rest of us? - Granite Grok

Economic Stagnation? Obama keeps telling “we’re fine”? Rest of us?

Not so much – the economic growth in the US has averaged 2% or lower since Obama became President (“sucked” squared) – from Cafe Hayek, it seems that Obama (like FDR before him) is himself the root cause:  Here’s Steve Hanke on the slow-down in economic growth of the past few years.  A slice (link added)):

Washington’s destructive policies have been dubbed “regime uncertainty” in a strand of innovative analyses pioneered by Robert Higgs of the Independent Institute. Regime uncertainty relates to the likelihood that an investor’s private property – namely, the flows of income and services it yields – will be attenuated by government action. As regime uncertainty is elevated, private investment is notched down from where it would have been. This can result in a business-cycle bust and even economic stagnation. I recommend Higgs’ most recent book for evidence on the negative effects of regime uncertainty: Robert Higgs. Taking a Stand: Reflections on Life Liberty, and the Economy. Oakland, CA: The Independent Institute, 2015.

Again, compare and contrast the economic “uptick” now to that of Reagan’s.
