Censorship Effort in New Hampshire - Granite Grok

Censorship Effort in New Hampshire

“Cop corrects liberal snitch who reported her political opponents (Concord, NH)”

GrokWatch News Desk | Submitted by Dave Ridley

What is probably one of New Hampshire’s top five most popular YouTube vids (above) faces attempted suppression. My million-hit clip shows a pro-Medicare-expansion activist on a public Concord sidewalk, reporting her political opponents to police because they “have signs here” and “aren’t with us.”  I’ve just received an e-mail, apparently from YouTube, which claims that someone has complained to them asking the vid be taken down.  I have declined to do so.  Presumably Google administrators will make the final decision whether to suppress it.

If you’re a supporter of press freedom in New Hampshire, please take one of the following actions: 

1) Inform the public of this video and the attempt to censor it…show the authoritarians how a Barbara Streisand Effect works.

2) Provide the public with the information you have, or are able to collect, regarding the names and positions of the political activists and politicians depicted in this video.  We do have Zandra Rice Hawkins’ name obviously; she appears later in the series of videos from this scene.  Then there is the “report-sign-wavers” activist who apparently responds to the name “Jill.”  That’s all we have.

3) Contact YouTube politely expressing your support for maintaining the video and others like it.  It’s no shock YouTube comes under political pressure to suppress political videos.  While they have the “property right” to do this, it would be good if they came under pressure to maintain such clips.   Here’s how to contact them.

4) Respect the human rights of all your enemies…don’t be like the free speech foes caught on tape in this video.

Additional details and updates, publicly available here.


Dave Ridley

New Hampshire’s #2 YouTube channel


Editors Note: We’ll have more to say about this but for now we encourage our readers to watch the video and support Dave. Reach out to YouTube. And if you can identify anyone in the video or have details you can share please email me at steve@granitegrok.com.


minutemenIf you would like to contribute to the GrokWatch News Desk, and join New Hampshire’s local New Media Militia of citizen Journalists, please email steve@granitegrok.com. Please be sure to put “GrokWatch News Desk” in the subject line of your email.
