Memory Lane: British Court Flags Al Gore Documentary as "Alarmist and Exaggerated" - Granite Grok

Memory Lane: British Court Flags Al Gore Documentary as “Alarmist and Exaggerated”

Al_Gore_Fire bannerBack in 2007 Britain ruled Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth unfit for viewing by students in British Schools. Long story short, its claims were rubbish (and still are). Political brain washing with partisan political views. The movie could not be shown without preface; a list of clarifications regarding some of its wild and unscientific claims.

Nine years later, the McCarthyites in the American Climate Inquisition could bring you up on criminal racketeering charges for daring to contradict them.

So here they are.

After hearing testimony from both sides, the High Court agreed, calling the film “alarmist and exaggerated”.  The ruling labelled nine specific points as factual errors in the documentary:

  1. Sea levels may rise “up to 20 feet” in the near future.
  2. Low-lying Pacific Atolls have already been evacuated.
  3. There is an exact fit between CO2 rises and past increases in the Earth’s temperature.
  4.  The Gulf Stream will shut down due to global warming.
  5. Climate Change is causing Lake Chad to dry up.
  6. The snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro is disappearing due to Global Warming.
  7. Climate change is causing widespread bleaching of coral reefs.
  8. Hurricane Katrina blamed on Global Warming.
  9. Polar bears are drowning due to inability to find arctic ice.

James M. Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute, said the errors identified in the ruling are just the tip of the iceberg. “The British High Court properly recognized that Al Gore’s movie is nine parts political propaganda and one part science. Virtually every assertion that Gore makes in the movie has been strongly contradicted by sound science,” Taylor added.

“Science” that is so sound the same State that funds it (to advance its own ends) will file criminal charges under RICO statutes as a way to get around first amendment protections to stop you disagreeing with them.
