Dear MA Voters: Cruz, Conviction, Clarity, Character - Granite Grok

Dear MA Voters: Cruz, Conviction, Clarity, Character

Angry at DC? Don’t pick just anyone, Vote Cruz

Ted Cruz

Why Cruz to carry your anger to DC and actually cut the beast down to size? Because only Cruz has actually demonstrated that he will take the fight into the belly of the beast (why do you think the beltway beast hates him?). Rush Limbaugh, who has tried to provide accurate news of the leading candidates, without getting into the “bash Trump” mentality of some outlets, said unequivocally that:

rush_limbaugh_cigar“Ted Cruz has been taking ‘em on longer than Trump has. And Ted Cruz has been taking them on face to face, on the floor of the Senate,” Limbaugh said on his show, alluding to the Texas senator’s frequent clashes with Republican leadership over the course of his more than three years in Congress. “Ted Cruz has been fighting these guys.”

Why Cruz to tame the IRS beast and turbocharge the economy? Trump and Rubio offer tax reductions and some fiddling around the edges, but only Cruz blows up the whole damned edifice and replaces it with something totally different. Renowned economics author, Stephen Moore, and Art (the Curve) Laffer designed the plan which both Cruz and Rand Paul have promoted.
It is an interesting hybrid of a low flat income tax and a low net profit (Value Added) tax on business with several key features:

  • Eiliminate payroll taxes
  • Low income tax rate and the first $36,000 exempt for a family of four
  • No more AMT or Death tax
  • Much lower tax rate on business
  • AND imported goods subject to the business tax, while exported goods are not

VOILA! Employment and wages will take off, businesses and manufacturing will come home, and the balance of trade will improve, all WITHOUT any of Trump’s bullying and bluster, or a trade war. This would have all the benefits of the Fair Tax, and would be much simpler to implement.

But what about the character and experience of Cruz?

  • Conservative? Ted fell in love with the Constitution and US history in middle school. Pastor Rafael Cruz says conservatism is hereditary – he learned it from his kid!
  • Smart and persuasive? A top debater, Cruz was praised by liberal law professor Alan Dershowitz, who called Ted one of the smartest students ever to attend Harvard Law.
  • Knows how the Supreme Court works – clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
  • Knows how to reduce regulation? As Steve points out, during Ted’s stint at the Commerce Department, he worked to prevent regulation of Internet commerce.
  • Can run a large organization? As Solicitor General of Texas, Cruz led a team of hundreds of attorneys and their staff, and was considered extremely effective.
  • Protect and defend the Constitution? The state of Texas, under AG Abbott and Solicitor General Cruz, argued multiple constitutional cases before the Supreme Court, to great effect on the side of originalism.
  • Knows how to win? Cruz ran for senate against a very well funded establishment favorite, former Lt Gov David Dewhurst, and beat all odds with a convincing win in the final runoff (multiple contenders). It is worth noting, that while Gov Rick Perry supported Dewhurst in that race, he has since carefully evaluated and endorsed Ted Cruz for President.
  • Would you hire this guy again? Greg Abbott answers emphatically YES, calling on Texans to vote Cruz today!

I rest my case – Ted Cruz for President!
