Hey, Senate Republicans - can you hear the war horns sounding? From behind you? - Granite Grok

Hey, Senate Republicans – can you hear the war horns sounding? From behind you?

And they are not sounding attack at Obama; you REALLY want to make yourselves political cannon fodder:

HUGH HEWITT: My Open Letter To Nev. Sen. Dean Heller, Who Waffled On Scalia Replacement. “I doubt very much I will be supporting your re-election in 2018. I suspect I will support a primary challenger to youor perhaps even your Democratic opponent. I know for certain that if Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Illinois, votes in any way to advance President Barack Obama’s nominee to replace Scalia I will actively support his Democratic opponent.

I think this next line sums it up well:

I’d rather lose the Senate majority with a fight over first principles than the Supreme Court of the United States without a fight.”

It isn’t that you are making us not to care; it is that you are driving us to anger.  So, are you listening, US Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)?  Do you remember what happened to Frank Guinta when he first tried for re-election after lying to us his first term in the US House?  Let me remind you – he lost.  Because he lied.  And he is about to lose again, because he lied.  Again.

You lied to us during your campaign.  The precedent has now been set.   I agree with Hugh Hewitt on this and I know, having talked with activists around NH, they do to as you have lost their Trust.  No, that’s wrong – you BROKE it.  Hopefully this decision will have a consequence of our liking.

(H/T: Instapundit)
