GraniteGrok Endorsement: Ted Cruz for President - Granite Grok

GraniteGrok Endorsement: Ted Cruz for President

Ted Cruz with Steve and Skip

Updated: Originally posted 11/18/15.  Bumped for tomorrow’s First In The Nation Primary

The last couple of election cycles, the ‘Grok as been rather stingy with endorsements. We decided that we would raise our bar high and no longer do the “least worst” that we did in some cases in the past.  We decided that it was no longer sufficient that an “R” followed someone’s name.  It is about Principle and, if at all possible, to look at their actions.  After all, winning is merely a precursor; what is most important is what is done afterwards. Our evaluation started.

  • Did the potential candidate hold our values which simply are those expressed in the US & NH Constitutions and the current NH GOP platform.
  • Have they also exhibited the values of honestness, truthfulness, and consistency?
  • Have they been just a back bencher or have they been out front with their actions to get Government out of our lives and restore the primacy of the Individual?
  • Have they gone to the mat to defend the ideals that our Founding Fathers held high when this country was first established?
  • Have they fought for the ideal of Federalism whereby the States are co-equal with the Federal Government?
  • Have they shown that in whatever branch they serve (or in the case of some, no branch at all) that they fought to upheld the principle co-equal branches of our Government and their proper roles?
  • Have they demonstrated and shown that their view of The Proper Role of Government with respect to the American Citizen is one we do not have to guess at?
  • Have they fought for the rollback of Leviathan Federal Government?
  • Can we depend, no matter the issue or situation, that we would not have to wonder, guess, or swear at their vote (or signature)?

In short – have they shown us, convinced us, that they have “put their money where their mouths are” (even as we know that ALL are fallen and screw up from time to time)?

When it comes down to it all, can we Trust that person? With Ted Cruz, the answer is yes. We believe that Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas, is best suited to be that candidate.  Smart, principled, steadfast, smart as a whip, and willing to stand for what is right.  Constitutionally grounded, able to articulate both Principles and their application to any situation at hand, he has shown we Groksters that he has the outlook, the constitution, and the will to stop this country’s headlong pitch down that road of post-Constitutionalism.  He, like us, are willing to cross swords with our Party that seemingly demands a bended timid knee when confronted by issues (and “hurtful words” from those that are in love with the politics and not with righting the ship).  Witty, a quick comeback with the quickness and edge of a stiletto, he takes no guff from no one – and can back up his words.

Congratulations but know this: now, we hold you accountable.  Do not doubt us – just ask some other NH politicians (or wannabees) what has happened when we have done so and found politicians “wanting” when they have chosen poorly.

Readers, we hope that you have seen our Consistency and our unwavering commitment to Principles such that you will Trust our decision and would join us in voting for Ted both in the NH Primary and then, in the General.  This country is great peril from how far Progressivism / Socialism has drawn us away from the principles that established America as the preeminent country in history – we believe that Ted is the best candidate to start the pullback from the chasm that lies before us.


All the writers at GraniteGrok voted last month – I have held off until now to post the results. For the voting process, the only thing I asked for was for each of their rankings of five picks in order descending.  I am posting this so that it might give insight in how we thought about our candidates and our rankings for them.  Perhaps this will be of value for you as you deliberate upon your own:

Top Pick: Cruz

  • Sanders (Bernie)
  • Carson
  • Cruz
  • Paul
  • Rubio

Second Pick: Carson

  • Fiorina
  • Jindal
  • Paul
  • Trump
  • Vermin Supreme

Third Pick:  Fiorina

  • Carson
  • Cruz
  • Jindal
  • Elizabeth Warren

Fourth Pick: Carson

  • Shawn Jasper – 1 (Democrat appointed Republican Speaker of the NH House)
  • Rubio – 1
  • Trump – 1

Fifth Pick (a tie):

  • Jindal
  • Paul

Oh yes, Bernie and Warren; yes, one of our writers is a Democrat.  That person also likes to “tweak” people at times.
