Carson Fails Constitutional Test, Bush Passes! - Granite Grok

Carson Fails Constitutional Test, Bush Passes!

Debate Doodlings #1

CBS-SC-GOP-BushCarsonModerator: “You recently wrote a book about the Constitution, doctor…”
REALLY? Him and which ghost?

When I have to tell you that JEB came closer to understanding what the constitution says about nominating judges than Carson, it is clear that Carson has a flimsy grasp of facts, policy, and (because he’s still there) reality.

The constitution is quite clear that the president proposes, and the senate disposes. It matters not whether decency suggests the most left-wing ideologue since FDR should abstain from nominating a new justice – the constitution says he can, and he will.

What matters is the advice and consent of the senate, under rules which currently require 60 votes for cloture, and under the control of Mitch McConnell, who says (but dare we trust) that no Supreme Court justice will be approved this year.

Carson meandered around what could, or should, be done, without ever mentioning what the constitution says, while Bush, in his response, went straight for Article 2, before giving his own views on the matter.

Again, it pains me to say that Kasich was at least partly right – if Obama seeks and presents a candidate who is broadly acceptable, possibly somewhat conservative, he could guilt enough Republicans into giving us another swing vote on the court. Our best hope is that Obama persists in presenting nominee(s) who cannot get to cloture.

Cruz was, of course, on fire and on point.
