The Donald Factor - Granite Grok

The Donald Factor

“Every city has a Donald Trump; ours is just the Trumpiest.”Padma Lakshmi

TrumpDonald Trump is the present front runner in the crowded Republican field. Now, just the very notion that I write that statement is going to drive many, including some of my fellow Groskters…Bananas.

To hell with the reasons why because nobody cares—nobody, that is, that has come out in favor or another Candidate, be it Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, John Kasich Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina or Ben Carson or any other self-important hack who has declared himself or herself a candidate. They only want Donald….out.

It matters nothing that the Republican Establishment is working feverishly to corrupt the process and rig the primary elections. Votes by “superdelegates” can often go against the popular vote from the primaries and caucuses.

Chief among the political assassins is the Union Leader and Joe McQuaid. Having picked and endorsed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie…the very governor that built a failed state senate campaign on his advocacy for an, “assault weapons” ban. The UL recently went on their “hurt feelings campaign. Eight different printed references have been found in print for Trump —Less so for their guy, Christie.

The UL engaged in personal attacks and name-calling. Indeed Trump has done the same, but they are the press and expected to rise above that. Trump, for his vitriol, is a known quantity.

And fellow Republicans and independents have engaged in the same behavior, denigrating those who support Trump.

In my own personal life, I have two former friends who have decided to wrap themselves around Rand Paul. I thought perhaps I respected their choice of candidate and went out of my way to neither denigrate of speak ill of any candidate, except perhaps Kasich, Graham, Bush or Christie.  However, when the person who doesn’t agree with me, crosses certain lines “calls my parentage,” into question, accuses me of being unamerican, a communist, a Hillary Supporter and such other nasty fare, that goes beyond the question of whether or not my skin is thick or not thick and redirects the question to what kind of friends I keep. Those I will not abide.

Whats worse is these “ex-friends” are Rand Paul Supporters and more of the same can be found within the Paul camp. Why are so many of them such Arses? Not all, mind you, but enough of them worth mentioning here. It was that day that became the tipping point where I decided I was, “all in” for “The Donald” campaign. That is my 2016 Angry shot across the bow because I would not buckle under and choose a candidate some establish-advocacy hack would seek to choose for me.

But I digress….Now, mind you this is not a rant to advocate for Donald Trump. That would be a waste of time. I could get more fulfillment taking a piss into a strong wind…at the very least, it would be warm. But the fundamental question is, “Despite Trump being Trump, why is he leading in all the polls? Lets face it, the more he leads the angrier the establishment gets. NH’s own Jennifer Horn has blatantly come out against Trump.

If we rewind the tape here is what we get. First, there is the significant taking of the Senate in the last election. With that, what has been done? nothing. National Review in February wrote, “The U.S. Senate has become a productivity graveyard.” We’ve still got Obamacare, despite campaign promises to rid us of it, More debt, capitulation to Democrats in funding of Planned Parenthood, immigration, and now we fear, gun control. We’ve had Bengahzi hearings, Lois Lerner, the VA debacle, and a host of other issues that scholars call a crisis of constitution, and yet, some of the very same people holding seats in the do-nothing Senate, now seek the oval office.

TrumpOur government is broken…it is corrupt. And as broken and corrupt as it is, there are candidates selling us the same old snake oil that starts out, “If I am President…” or the more arrogant candidates say, “When I am President…” Rank establishment hypocrites like Bill Krystol have stated they would not support Trump under any circumstances.

Do I think Donald Trump will be the nominee? I have no earthly clue. Ted Cruz is excellent, I question Ben Carson’s ability, I am iffie on Carly, I would hold my nose and vote for Rand Paul, but  if Christie or Bush is the nominee, Its a fair bet I stay home, that much is clear. But I also think those of you who make concrete predictions that Trump will lose to Hillary are absolutely full of yourselves and have big egos. There is no way to possibly know.

Here is why Donald Trump is leading: 1) People supporting Trump are pissed off. They have grown tired of scripted politicians with messages telling people what they think. People do not live in the same world as the current slate. Despite his well-to-do lineage, Trump appears to grasp people. 2) He is not a politician. Trump has never held political office. He has been a business magnate who has pursued Donald Trumps interests wherever that has taken him. The weakest, lamest criticism I have seen, even from fellow his past bankruptcies. Only those Groksters, when kids, got on bicycles and rode the very first time without ever falling off. 3) He is visceral. Trump taps into the heart and soul of how dissatisfied people are with American Politics. 4) Trump is confident. Actually he is an egomaniac. He tells you how much money he has, how many buildings, interests and golf course he owns, and the boon of other successes he has. That is Trumps report card. When he says he will evict the illegals, people believe him; When he says he will build a wall, people believe him; When he says he will destroy ISIS, people believe him. Pundits, Candidates and talking heads call Trump “reckless and irresponsible,” but the when people hear it, they see the trump empire and all his successes and it doesn’t square.

Finally, in this campaign cycle, those who support Trump are insulted directly, being called dumb, stupid, and idiotic. Talking heads denigrate these people, other candidates go on diatribes about Trumps lack of “political experience”  The diatribe goes on and on and on.

It simply isn’t enough to have been lied to, ignored, and looked down upon by the American Political class. No. The political class takes it a step further, treating voters as chattel, and when they won’t vote their way, they are ignorant, silly and stupid and the political class wages war against them.

Normal everyday folks who put their trouser on one leg at a time, work jobs, pay mortgages and raise kids have felt ignore by the traditional political class for far too long. We have been duped. We have been lied to and we have been ignored. For many, Donald Trump is a vote against the establishment, not for the political elite ruling class. The peasants are rising up.

For others Trump is an opportunity for, we the peasants, to exert some control over the political ruling class, regardless of if we break it. Which would be great.

And for others Trump has the report card that says He can do what political hacks cannot do. His business interests show that. That is why the latest attack on Trump taking money from George Soros didn’t work…You can’t make such an assertion being a conservative without being a hypocrite, if you’ve ever eaten or patronized the Common Man Restaurants in the Granite State. After all, the owner is a leftist hack and you all ate his food and paid him money for it. That is not the way the world works.

Finally, there are the supporters like me who don’t really care what happens. We think nothing is going to change, short of revolution.

And that…is why people support Donald Trump. If you all stop poking them in the eye with fingers, we might have a less divisive electorate. All the GOP Establishment has to do to keep fighting harder and by any means to keep Trump out…and we will witness, in our time, the implosion of the GOP as a political party. Thank God…let it burn…burn….burn.
