Admitted: none of Obama's gun control policies would accomplish anything. Then why? - Granite Grok

Admitted: none of Obama’s gun control policies would accomplish anything. Then why?

I really do wonder what kind of woodshed is brought for the Presidential “Responsible for being the stand-in for Baghdad Bob” flacker (that would be Josh Earnest, the most badly named Prez Press Sec evah!) actually tells the truth about Obama’s all encompassing need to disarm civilians – and admits NONE of them would do anything?

Yes, dear reader, the answer is obvious!  Just like when he was asked why he’d raise the capital tax rate (e.g., Buffet paying a lesser tax rate than his secretary), his answer was ideological – and self-serving in that it lessened the Citizen and fed a larger Government.  Citizens would keep less of their money and provide more money for The State.  In like terms, by making lesser Citizens by removing their guns, Obama is all in for a Hobbesian form of Government by which it grows all-encompassing by owning a monopoly of force.

For once that happens, there are no more Citizens, just subjects.

(H/T: The Truth About Guns)
