Why Joe (Really) Didn't Run - Granite Grok

Why Joe (Really) Didn’t Run

RedQueen-HeadsOff Many observers noted that Biden gave a rousing campaign speech in the Rose Garden last week, in which the announcement of his non-run for President seemed out of place. Some thought that the Red Queen’s signature was on the strange ending of the Biden saga, kind of like this:

Joe found the window of opportunity closed GlennMcCoy-20151022-BidenHorsehead

A note from the Red Queen crystalizes the decision   –   why so glum, Joe?

(Cartoon by Glenn McCoy, Oct 22nd)

PS: For the younger readers who may wonder who the “Red Queen” could be, she’s old, communist, and has a trail of mysteriously dead bodies to her credit, oh, and a stylized “H” for her campaign logo!
