It really must be he stands that far Left to everyone else - Granite Grok

It really must be he stands that far Left to everyone else

Executive OrderThe news came out today that President Obama did a partial end run (AHgain!) around Congress by issuing yet another Executive Order – and yet again poking Government’s nose, not under but through the tent wall of the private sector.  In this case, telling Federal contractors that they WILL be paying employees for paid sick leave.  Of course, the hit was on the GOP was on not getting on board with this yet another fascist / socialist trend of Government controlling private companies.  This struck me from our Labor Secretary in praising the Order and taunting the GOP:

“There are certain Republicans that said we can’t afford to do this,” said Labor Secretary Thomas Perez. He lamented how paid leave is seen as a partisan issue in the U.S. despite broad support in Europe. “The Republican Party is out of step with similar conservative governments around the world,” he said.

Ah yes, one of the “tells” from a Progressive / Socialist – bemoaning the fact that we aren’t Europe and that we haven’t joined in lock step with their economies (which while our’s is ill, they are almost deathbed).  But note that he called them “conservative” – it is ONLY because Perez is so far Left (may I chance that he is to the Left of Obama?) that all governments not explicitly Socialist or Communist are “conservative”?  Most European government readily acknowledge that while they may be democracies, they are Socialist Democracy in outlook and deed.  Conservative, they are explicitly not.

I also note, on this day where Union Jefes take credit for lots (workweeks, workdays, lunch breaks, unicorns and pixie dust), they don’t mention that many of those (ok, only kidding about the workweeks, workdays, and lunchbreaks) were accomplished a 100 years ago – what magnificent things have they done lately other than almost put the US Auto mfgs out of business and did put Hostess out of business with high wage demands and work rules?

Oh, I know – made those Union Jefes part of the 1% that they rail against so often if they are CEOs of companies (but not CEOs of unions).  And, oh yeah, moved union participation on the part of workers from 35% back in the 1950s to 11% overall today (with only 7% in the private sector).  Yeah, they’ve sold their economic value-add oh so very well, haven’t they?
