Yes, Ms. Obvious, that is EXACTLY the point - Granite Grok

Yes, Ms. Obvious, that is EXACTLY the point

illegal alien signBecause if it was easy, EVERYONE would be doing it. And they have been.  And that is the whole purpose of the exercise -to make it UNeasy for illegal aliens that eschew our laws to cross our borders (reformatted, emphasis mine):


Sometimes you really have to marvel at the stupidity of progressives and now is one of those times. One of the main reasons Donald Trump is doing so well in the polls is because he’s saying what many Americans are thinking about illegal immigration and border security.  National Journal columnist Clare Foran worries that if a wall is built on the border, as Trump has suggested, people who try to cross into America illegally could be injured.  Her new column is truly stunning.

Look, no one wants anyone hurt or dying.  Already, however, we already see the apologists for lawbreakers bemoaning the fact that people DIE in doing this – and using the idea that self-induced actions that take a risk into their calculus, well, WE are the problem instead of those that should be following our laws to come in correctly.  So, they support these folks – regardless of the impact these aliens have on other Americans.  It is un-American but you know, these folks have unhinged their minds from operating at all.

Donald Trump’s Border Wall Could Have Deadly Consequences

Donald Trump wants America to build a permanent wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. “We’ll have a great wall. We’ll call it the Great Wall of Trump,” the real estate mogul told Fox Business recently.  If that ever happens, the consequences could be deadly for the hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who attempt to cross the border each year, many of whom are unlikely to be deterred by even the greatest of walls.

So, does Clare Foren want to roll out red carpet?  Have taxpayers shell out for limos, flowers, and champagne?  Or settle for “rest areas” along with GPS guidance?  And free passage from the landowners whose land is bespoiled by this human and drug trafficking?

A country with no borders is not a country – just a place ready for plucking.  And I think that is why Trump is attracting such positive attention by people with brains and eyes – they understand what is going on and understand what the future holds (re: they see what is happening in California) for their kids.  And with the increasing cost of supporting them (all those mothers with kids that have been flocking, or even just the kids, don’t have rocket science degrees – somebody is going to have to support them and both the Democrat and Republican elites have chosen we regular folk and deemed us “the donor class”).

Tightening security at America’s southern border will inevitably make it more difficult to illegally traverse. But immigration and security experts warn that any effort to seal off the border will also make conditions more dangerous for the unauthorized immigrants who still try to make it over.

And that would be the purpose of the exercise – to make it as difficult as possible.  But you also have to hand it to a writer that uses “make conditions more dangerous for the unauthorized immigrants” and not understand that if they are unauthorized (er, how many other euphemisms do we have to endure on this issue – remember, this is Political Correctness designed to make we who support The Rule of Law feel and look bad.  But, the more they use it, the more we make fun of it, the less useful it is in shutting down debate.

So, to recap…

This liberal writer is more concerned about the safety of people entering America illegally than she is about our laws and national security.

You couldn’t make this stuff up.

A Democrat / Progressive / incremental Socialist / SJW with a byline
