Goffstown Republican Town Committee - keynote speaker Carly Fiorina - Granite Grok

Goffstown Republican Town Committee – keynote speaker Carly Fiorina


The Goffstown Republican Town Committee is holding an event at Lemay’s at which Carly Fiorina will be speaking.  Grokster Mike will be there (as my back has sidelined me once again) and will be streaming as possible.

Also, the Women’s Defense League of NH is going to be raffling off a Fausta Over and Under 28″ barrel shotgun [It’s GORGEOUS!  -Skip] model 14102 with an MRSP of over $3,000.

The live stream held up nicely, and between that and the closeups from the Nikon, Mike should have the key parts covered by this evening.

Live streaming video by Ustream

