George Will Tells Angry GOP Base: "Get Over It !!" - Granite Grok

George Will Tells Angry GOP Base:
“Get Over It !!”

[youtube=] I think this is the George Will “meltdown” Skip refers to in his piece Outsiders Take Over The GOP.

George Will, responding to a question from Chris Wallace on whether he would retract his derogatory comments about Trump, and citing the huge number of angry emails received by Wallace, stated that change is intentionally difficult in the Federal Government, and that voters should be angry at James Madison, instead of Boehner and McConnell.

He’s constitutionally accurate on change being intentional difficult, and on Madison having a hand in that, but he misses the point about the angry GOP base by a Country Class mile. (Angelo Codevilla coined the terms “Ruling Class” and “Country Class” in this article, which became a book.)

georgeWillDear George, I’m normally an admirer of your astute analysis, but this is pure Establishment hackery – here’s why…
Yes, change IS difficult in the Federal Government, by design, but there are two things wrong with your analysis:

First, it *should* be Obama who you are telling “Change is difficult – Get Over It”, because, if Boehner and McConnell and the rest of the RINO gang had been doing their jobs, Obama and his crazy assault on the fabric of our country would have been stopped cold by the GOP majorities in first one, then BOTH houses of Congress.
Second, having delivered money and victory to Boehner and McConnell, specifically to STOP Obama’s agenda of fundamental transformation, and having rallied round Romney, rather than see 4 more years of Obama, the base is plain DISGUSTED that Romney gave the election away (those debates), and that Boehner and McConnell have failed to stop ANY part of O’s agenda.

Under THOSE circumstances, it is amazing that the whole of the Party membership has not walked away from the so-called leadership! Admit it, George, the Party has failed even to do the one thing the Constitution is designed for – blocking dangerous changes and deflecting the “madness of crowds”.

I don’t necessarily agree that Trump is “the guy”, but insulting the base will not bring victory for the Party.
